Category Archives: exhibition

Spirit Animal Group Show at Pony Club Gallery, Portland OR

It’s been a while since I updated the blog.
I’m in a group show at Pony Club Gallery in Portland Oregon, if you are in the area please come by!
Opening is on the October 2nd.
My spirit animal is……..”Mew Mew” the cat!
Exhibition Info:
Pony Club Gallery
625 NW Everett St Apt 105, Portland, Oregon 97209

Pony Club Gallery presents a group show celebrating the theme of Spirit Animals. Animal Spirit guides bring wisdom, inspiration, protection, and healing. Each artist will create between 1-3 pieces of graphite work.

Josh Keyes
Nicomi Nix Turner
Aya Kakeda
May Ann Licudine
Erin Rei
Susannah Kelly
Devon Smith

Opening Reception October 2nd, 6-10pm
Music and Beer provided by KPSU.

Micro-chan Attack Montpellier Vernissage Tomorrow Night!

Tomorrow is the opening for Microchan Attack Exhibition in Montpellier, France!
Come come if you are in the area. We produced special edition prints for this event. Edition of 45.

jeudi 19.06.2014, de 18-22h*
Galerie DAS
25 rue Hippolyte
34 000 Montpellier
*visites jusqu’au 26.06.2014 sur rdv
contact @

Opening Vernissage Tomorrow Night!

I hope you are having a great summer.
Tomorrow at Usagi Paris Gallery my exhibition AU HASARD DE MON BAZAR
is opening.
There will be upstairs little gallery and downstairs in a secret cave.
Come and meet my creatures and find out many secrets in this mystical cave!
The show run till early July.

du 13 Juin au 2 Juillet 2014
Vernissage le vendredi 13 Juin à partir de 19h30
Usagi Paris:32 rue Saint Roch, 75001 Paris, France


Midnight Gallery


5月9日〜5月30日、 六本木のアート発信基地、真夜中のギャラリーBAR OPPでゆったりとした気分で お酒を傾けつつ堪能してください。アートライフさんが提供する大人の時間です。
東京都港区六本木5-18-1PURE六本木8階 ☎:03-5575-2312


Hello Tokyo!!!
I’m having a show at Midnight Gallery OPP in Roppongi.
I’m especially excited because it’s a show with Masumi Hara who is an illustrator that I have been admiring since I was young.
First time I saw his illustration was on Banana Yosimoto’s novel and since then I was drawn into his beautiful strong eyed women he paints. It is like a dream comes true to be paired with such an accomplished artist! Thank you ArtLife for putting this event together!!!

May 9th ~ May 30th
OPP mid night gallery
5-18-1 Roppongi, Pure Roppongi Building 8F, Minatoku, Tokyo
Opens 20:00~24:00 (Sat,Sun Closed)


Grace and Ritual: Hidden opening May 9th LA

I am 8 bit is putting together a group show in L.A.
I have one ceramic sculpture in this show, if you are in L.A Please come and visit my little ceramic friend!
You can see more info at:

For this group show I made this
“ToTai Island Cave Seal Ritual Mask”

<Making of>
ceramicIt’s made out of Ceramic Clay –> Black and white slip—>Clear Glazed

photo (7)Black Slip with clear glaze created a very nice deep blue. Finishing up making the headdress with colorful Pompoms.

<What is Cave seal ritual mask?!>
In ToTai Island (this is my imaginary island) every house owns their version of unique cave seal mask. When there is an event of the island or the family they put the mask on their door to announce. Depending on how headdress is display people in the island know exactly what the event is.

Here is some example!
marriageMarriage in the family

deathDeath in the family

birthBirth in the family

peaceWhen the Island is in peace

FightWhen the Island is fighting with other tribe

Now you can visit ToTai Island and you know what’s going on when you see the mask at someone’s door!

Giant Robot Flip Book Exhibition

10253766_617285685027436_3792027523314754500_nIf you are in LA, come and see Giant Robot FlipBookKit Show!!!
This will be fun fun fun :-)
Check out this video they made with my drawing! —–>  Flipbook video—Aya Kakeda

Works Cited opening this weekend at My Plastic Heart!

workscited_1000_front (1)workscited_1000_back (1)

Hi everyone!
Great group show curated by Studio Miners is opening this weekend!
Sadly I won’t be able to make it to the opening :-(
I will have 4 paintings and book, also a tiny sculptures.
It’s such a great lineups come on by if you are in NY area!!!

MOCCA FESTIVAL this weekend!

This weekend is MOCCA Art Festival in NYC.
I have a table selling new books, prints, surprise sculpture boxes, and cat&dog cookies! Please come and visit!
10173554_10151957194020178_1347604187_nYou can see the direction and more info about the festival here—> click

Here is some sneak preview!
photo 3 (2)1958232_10151949263820178_788786612_ncover1000650_10151959049650178_281297358_nphoto 1 (5)10155464_10151963768835178_1931492428_nDouble thank you for Kimiko and Fumiha for helping me bake!!!!!